I committed new computer…

I don’t need quite the workhorse Jane does, because mine doesn’t do graphics so often, and words ARE mostly what I do. But the one thing I MUST have above any other consideration is my trackpoint mouse, that little button that sits between GH and B, and...

Our usual theme/images has pulled something weird…

Be patient. We had an update we didn’t install, something’s gone wonky with the headers [again] and we will be fixing it…but it’s late, it’s just hit without us pushing a single button, and we are just too tired to cope right now.

Taxes and furniture moving…

Jane’s balancing the corporate checkbook and I’m trying to shift the living room furniture about to site the 54g in the opposite corner. This is Rubic’s Cube stuff. And there’s only one place for the big square end table that never has been an...

There is tank, and pix will follow…

The chemistry is holding firm, the other live rock, from the breakdown of a tank in the midwest, arrived today, and we made the decision, once we had the rock arranged to our satisfaction, to put the rest of the corals over, and the four fish we have. The last in was...

The invertebrates arrived…

WE have acquired scads of tiny snails, a brittle starfish, scazillions of crabs ranging from 1/8 inch to 1/2 inch, and they are crawling all over. There was also a fuzzy chiton and several limpets, larger variety, about 1/2 inch. And 2 of what was billed as a...

Overheated the shredder…

Time to clear a storage filebox for 2012 records…the victim was 2003, long overdue for sunsetting, and it’s always a memory trip when I do that. We were living over on Coeur d’Alene St, we had certain places we went, things we did…trips we...