WE have acquired scads of tiny snails, a brittle starfish, scazillions of crabs ranging from 1/8 inch to 1/2 inch, and they are crawling all over. There was also a fuzzy chiton and several limpets, larger variety, about 1/2 inch. And 2 of what was billed as a ‘small’ fighting conch. Ha. One goes in the sump, one above: they’re the size of a baby’s fist. I’m used to 1″. But they’re fun: their eyes are on stalks, and they have an elephant trunk, at the end of which they have their mouth.

The rock isn’t here. We have 28 more pounds arriving. And of course now the tank is lousy with crabs, which we will have to watch out for while arranging the new rock: I’ve already had to turn a stupid snail rightside up, a chopstick operation. Some species can die if they get flipped, and apparently nerites are one of those. Ceriths can right themselves. You wonder if evolution works for snails…