Yep. Just minding my business in the Home Depot parking lot and walking toward the greenhouse…when this very elderly gentleman, out for a shopping trip with his wife, threw ‘er into reverse and fortunately didn’t gun it too hard, and didn’t mistakenly hit the gas when I flung my hand (armed with a fistful of keys) against his hatchback’s rear window and scared him out of a year’s growth…

I waved at the pair and walked on. I don’t think he even yet figured out he’d hit me. And he was real, real old and with his wife and it was Mother’s Day so I didn’t explain, I just walked on to the store.

But then my neck and shoulders began stiffening up, so the jolt was worse than I thought. So we came home, I took two Aleve and spent the better part of an hour with an icepack between my shoulder blades. Amazing how a little vector change can rearrange your back…