The most obnoxious weight loss plateau ever…192.

I think when two people have shared nearly every meal for twenty-some years, you get similar plateaus, not the same weight, but the same era of what-you-weighed-when, and ergo—when you diet together, you’re going to have sticking-spots near the same time....

We have Tanks!

I spent the morning washing sand Jane put into the tank. We performed the major transplant…cut off the lines to the 54g and made them go to a 10 g tank under the stand, where a pump (borrowed from the skimmer) brings the water topside again. We extracted the...

Today's the day we start the tank in earnest…

The fish store will be open, and I hope to all getout they have the pump we want. We’re going to be building some rockwork, washing sand, installing sand, and adding some water. This requires removing corals from the 54g, putting them in a tub with excess water...

Today’s the day we start the tank in earnest…

The fish store will be open, and I hope to all getout they have the pump we want. We’re going to be building some rockwork, washing sand, installing sand, and adding some water. This requires removing corals from the 54g, putting them in a tub with excess water...