Time to clear a storage filebox for 2012 records…the victim was 2003, long overdue for sunsetting, and it’s always a memory trip when I do that. We were living over on Coeur d’Alene St, we had certain places we went, things we did…trips we took, that show up in the records. There were the epic screwups, the companies that would not believe we did not want to do business with them, the letters, the usual 941 confusion (it took us years to figure out when those reports were due) — and the whole business of a year now lying in little bitty confetti, with all its trials and tribulations: we collect the good bits and take them with us.

Jane went out weeding the back paths while I attacked the office organization prior to corporate taxes, our separate little re-April-15th because we’re on a fiscal year. At least it separates the personal chaos from the corporate chaos. We’re pretty well organized. Just not totally.

And the shredding, of course the shredding. We have a big crosscut shredder, not one of the little wastebasket toppers, and I still kept overheating it.

We went to the gym—had to activate credit cards that had expired over there; and did a bit of a workout; and we’re resolved, as the aquarium mess sorts out, to start throwing things out. I’m taking garbage bags to the basement, and if I don’t see a use for it, out it goes.

Naturally we heralded this resolve by flooding the basement floor—I was tired, I was distracted; I turned on the ro/di water filter for the 32 gallon tub, and didn’t set the kitchen timer when I came up. Result? 32 gallons of water that went onto the floor, and over to the finished side of the basement. So…lots of towels, the dehumidfier turned on, mopping, laundering, drying…

I swear, I double-dog swear I am going on a stuff-removal campaign. We have too much stuff. I am going to start at one end of the basement and go to the other, disposing of things.