ooh, ooh, a surprise is coming…

We are very close to the Cafe Press store, which is what Jane has been working on, thanks to a nudge from our friends, and a little swearing… We actually have a store site: we just haven’t made it visible yet, as we refine it. We’ll announce it here...

science fiction and the energy crisis…

SF fen have (I think because of the demise of the mags, as a market for short stories) gotten a bit wimpy about disasters. I don’t hear the kind of dialogue that used to go on at cons, ie, how do we geeky guys save the world from—be it asteroid impact or...

making progress on the book…

It takes me a while to recover my stride after a diversion. Thank goodness for outlines. We were, for one thing, diverted by a spate of really cool weather, making it foolish to wait to do certain outdoor jobs which would have to be done in potential 100 degree...

The shopping trip of 10,000 items…

…unlike the journey of 10,000 miles, does not begin with one step, but with a List. One of those hanging-fire for months lists where, when the weather is too hot and nasty to do anything else, means you’ve got to get 1. wire staples for weedcloth (sold out...

Swords and Dark Magic is out…

…that’s the S&S anthology I have a short story in. Lou Anders is the editor, and it’s from Harper. There’s also a version that is signed by all the participants, for those of you who are into collections.

spammers are such pigs…

I’ve finally learned how to get Thunderbird to ban a whole site: highlight a piece of spam in the inbox, go to “message/create filter from message”, choose not ‘is’, but ‘contains’, and get rid of everything but the part after...

Cleaning wooden sash and storm windows…

Has been a poser, but the internet can solve anything. Step one: if the sash won’t lift easily, oil the track. We tried graphite. No go. What works: Peanut oil. Machine oil. Any fine oil. Lifts like a charm. Treat both upper and lower sash tracks. Move them...

Update: pond algae's on the retreat…

…I’ve tried every method known to man and I can definitively report that unless you have a bog garden at least half the size of your pond, if you live in a sunny clime, you will have algae. Chemical remediation: bad, because the algae killers are copper....

Update: pond algae’s on the retreat…

…I’ve tried every method known to man and I can definitively report that unless you have a bog garden at least half the size of your pond, if you live in a sunny clime, you will have algae. Chemical remediation: bad, because the algae killers are copper....