…I’ve tried every method known to man and I can definitively report that unless you have a bog garden at least half the size of your pond, if you live in a sunny clime, you will have algae.

Chemical remediation: bad, because the algae killers are copper. Copper is lethal to small organisms in general, including your processing bacteria, and to fish, once the level builds up. Since copper doesn’t go anywhere or get used up, it builds up and up in your pond, and it’s just not good.

Bog garden: see statement A. Great, but requires a really big space given over to natural plants and bog for it to have enough effect. This was not the year for water hyacinth: nobody’s is growing. Shoulda gotten water lettuce. But we have a 6 foot ring of non-growing water hyacinth that was outcompeted by the algae.

UV filter: yep, UV can be nasty stuff. But 66 watts of UV applied to our pea-soup pond is making steady, sure headway against the plague. We can now see the fish clearly near the surface, and identify individuals 10″ down. We can see the hazy shapes of rocks on the bottom. We are definitively winning. My advice to anybody meditating ‘pond’, budget for a UV filter. Otherwise you will just have a miserable time.