It takes me a while to recover my stride after a diversion. Thank goodness for outlines. We were, for one thing, diverted by a spate of really cool weather, making it foolish to wait to do certain outdoor jobs which would have to be done in potential 100 degree weather, when we had a run of 75 to 85 degrees. Not being fond of sunstroke, we got to it, and wore ourselves out. Plus the hot weather we had had plus the breakdown of the UV filter made the pond an unexpected tough job…

But we have finally gotten to the far side of that crisis, and the fact we are physically exhausted makes it clear we can’t work outside tomorrow, so we are declaring we have to take a few days off from physical labor and get some brainwork done.

It’s been July, what can I say? I like cloudy weather. I like overcast. While I love a clear night sky, I am not fond of days and days for several months of blue sky in the daytime. Thank goodness for the lower temperatures…but we are at that time of year when forests catch fire, the air gets smoky, there are no clouds to relieve the sun, and, ugh! it’s high summer. We’d like to go skating, but we have too much to do. Jane and I both conclude we need to do this job on the lawn, because it is heavy work, and we are both getting a little less able to heft 50 lb sacks and timbers about. So…after I load up 300 retaining wall stones at 27 lbs apiece (don’t anyone do the math: it’s depressing) and get the side wall built, we get to till out the grass and actually start shaping the yard into hillocks and our ‘dry stream’ bed leading from the water feature.

Then we lay the weedcloth and the mulch, transplant 20 little shrubs, and wish them luck.