Arrrh! It's national Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Pirates were with us from the time of the Greeks, and probably the Egyptians… Most were Not Nice People in any way, shape or form. They tended to blossom forth in numbers after political upheavals on land…as people who had boats found a way to get out of...

Arrrh! It’s national Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Pirates were with us from the time of the Greeks, and probably the Egyptians… Most were Not Nice People in any way, shape or form. They tended to blossom forth in numbers after political upheavals on land…as people who had boats found a way to get out of...

The weather is definitely starting to turn…

The air is cooler, damper, and it’s overcast today. We were rained on last night—no breakfast on the patio, because our patio chairs were soaked, and the wisteria canopy over the other seating would rain on you– 😉 I’m ready for summer to end, I...

Big windstorm…

We normally watch Hulu or Netflix in the evenings…been watching Tree with Deep Roots (24 episodes) on Hulu, now Revenge on Netflix—and that means we don’t get the weather warnings. But I’d left my telly on in my room, and heard the beep/buzz....

Jane and I are related—again.

So far the closest is 10th cousin, via the Batchelders of Massachusetts. But we numerous times share grandmothers and grandfathers, before we diverge off again due to descent from a different sib. Well, we’ve done it again, this time re Adm. Hawkins, naval...


First time I’ve cracked that weight plateau since the 1970’s. Happy dance! And here’s something I posted while talking about diets on FB, but it took me decades and some soul-searching to figure this out, so it’s worth sharing, where...

We got it all shipped out…

The Teen folk were fine—couldn’t find an addy 10 blocks due north of them, but hey, you can’t find everything. We guided them in and they took the furniture with no problem. Meanwhile I got a lovely hundred dollar discount from a reader who signed us...