We normally watch Hulu or Netflix in the evenings…been watching Tree with Deep Roots (24 episodes) on Hulu, now Revenge on Netflix—and that means we don’t get the weather warnings. But I’d left my telly on in my room, and heard the beep/buzz. So at next episode break, about 10 min on, I got up and used Tivo to roll back and check what had come on.

Yikes! Major gust front coming our way with 60 MPH winds, large hail, and lightning—so I hied me out to batten down the pond, rescue the bag of fishfood, and get anything loose weighed down.

Just 5 minutes after I got in, the front hit…not with hail, but dust. The air turned surreal red in the streetlights (we’re on a 4 lot block, so we have two in sight) and stuff blowing, garbage cans gone orbital, just real nasty. Some thunder, distant, some lightning. No hail.

This morning we had one garbage can overturned (the compost one, which didn’t open: la!) and one patio chair turned over. But that was it.

Quite, quite a night! I’ve seen downbursts, where a rotation instead of bringing a tornado just dives for the ground, and that’s what this was like: didn’t last long, but the wind was fierce, and it carried half of middle Washington potato fields as dust…our eyes were really stinging this morning!