Play fighting…arrgh!

At least it doesn’t involve Ysabel. But this kitten is almost too much for Seishi, who finally gets enough and goes for a bolt hole where he can slap Eushu’s nose. Seishi’s claws are clipped very short. Eushu’s, not so much. I’ll tell...

Enter Seishi.

He’s smaller than he looks, and curls into a ball when you pick him up—very shy, very gentle: he’s a year old, been brought up in a cattery, and has never had a person of his own, hence the shyness. He’s used to other cats: hasn’t hissed...

Vet visit—

We think possibly it was the stress of the trip with Eushu…but just in case are checking for the little internal passengers Eushu arrived with and we cured in him. There are worse possibilities, but she is now eating and drinking, which argues against some of...