We think possibly it was the stress of the trip with Eushu…but just in case are checking for the little internal passengers Eushu arrived with and we cured in him. There are worse possibilities, but she is now eating and drinking, which argues against some of the worse ones.And we will get word on the labs tomorrow.

Beyond that into the metaphysical…The bond Efanor and Ysabel had was such that we could have them in separate cars and they somehow reacted to the oddest things. Efanor knew when Ysabel and I ran off the road in Nebraska, and our cars got separated. He knew when, late that night and by phone, Jane and I finally made contact. He slept through the trip to catch up with us until he got within a mile of the motel where I was, and then (which he never did before or since) got up and leaned on the dashboard of the car until Jane reached the motel. Ysabel, meanwhile, had gotten off the bed and was pacing the floor when Jane’s car pulled in. Can they tell the car motors? Sure. But not a mile apart in traffic. And not with mine turned off and us in a motel room. So if ever there were two strangely intertwined felines, Ysabel and Efanor were it. And it just killed us when, on arrival at Chip’s, she started calling and searching for him—and then went into a real physical tailspin. So yes, emotional upset could be part of it. We hadn’t anticipated she’d think she could find him there. And Shu trying to play just hit her in a very wrong mood. If he also gave her parasites a while back, that would up the ante re upset stomach.

So we are proposing something we don’t ordinarily do: we’re looking to bring in an older neutered male kitty who will be comfy with Ysabel, buffer Eushu’s rowdiness and give Eushu somebody to play with in a rowdy kitteh way. We aren’t sure yet. We’ve got a call in to a cattery in Montana to see if this can work out.

Meanwhile I am a wreck considering Ysabel’s collapse last night, Jane is trying to help me stay on even keel, and we just found one of our koi done in by (we think) a raccoon: no fault of OSG’s. We think this happened last night. We just surrounded the pond with pepper powder: we think the recent rains washed off the coyote scent, and pepper’s what we had left.

Honestly. I’ve had better weekends.