going to drop below freezing tonight—rats!

We have ton-o’ new plants. Of course. Jane worked outside from dawn to dusk, and I popped out now and again to assist, but I couldn’t take that icy wind. She came back in after building 50′ of sidewalk (40′ to go) base (it will be gravel, lined...

Well, what did we do today?

Jane got out and ran the Mantis. I stayed in and wrote. Then we headed for the rink. I felt way much better than I have…3-turn is effortless again and I’m not having the dizziness issues. Then we got the notion how to cut those pesky bridge supports that...

I finally have mastered the art of falling—

—boomf. I tossed the current pair of jeans-that-fit into the wash, and substituted the light rayon baggy track pants that look like hell. Worse, I tried to skate in them. Funny thing. You wear tight jeans on the ice, you get a sense of support for your muscles....

Ventilating the kitchen…

We have a low attic. Neither of us is up to shinnying up through the access in the top of a closet and ploughing through the insulation and dust to cut a hole in the kitchen ceiling. We have a fan up there, which doesn’t do much of a job. And broiling requires...

Gardening again: hands in the dirt.

The fish are disgusted: days are in the mid fifties and nights at about mid twenties. So there’s all this sunlight, and yet frost enough to keep them from eating. We soaked seeds of morning glory and moonflower for opposite sides of the Moon Gate, the clematis...

Incinerated a pot of stew this morning

Which proves the Bren book is moving nicely. I thought I’d put it on and just sit down and trim up a few details in the scene… It would have been a nice pot of stew. A total loss. Fortunately I got to it before the pot was ruined, but nothing else. I think...

I was kidnapped…

…and forced to buy shoes. Jane talked me into a pair of tennies. I cannot wear tennies. They cut the blood off to my toes. But Jane was driving. I had no choice. And I’m amazed. The whole story is on her site, and I won’t reiterate that, except to...

Actual results from the diet…

…are good. We’re in the Atkins induction phase. We’re both the sort that can gain weight on green beans: any sort of carb loves us.  And we wear tutus to skate. Spandex provides a certain impetus to be good. So we’re in the protein-only phase...

My aching fingers…

We have collected all the disks from the last 20 years of writing and doing business and having lives onto a terabyte drive, and I have begun to edit them for duplications. There’s method in this: this enables me to find the text files for past...