We had planned to go skating, then borrow Terry’s truck, and today we’d get some progress on the taxes; but…
The lawn crew called up and wanted to strip the sod (which we have wanted done) so we can do what we want to do to the front lawn, to equal the Glorious Pond. So we cancelled skating and rushed to get ready.

Things never go smoothly. The crew had trouble with the stripper, so our yard now looks like the aftermath of one three-year-old using the dog clippers on his sister. It’s going to need a lot of work with the mattock, and for the first time, this lately-sedentary body registered its first strong aged-based protest about the mattock-work. Ow. Re-ow! Besides, it’s a blow to my pride. But slower and steady will still get it.

We also consulted with our neighbor about the property line—and our crew goofed and chewed out a piece of his lawn while we were trying to haul a wheelbarrow around to the back.

But—we now (sort-of) have the lawn out. No more watering the whole yard. No more mowing. No more fertilizer or anti-fungus treatments. Hurrah for that.

We didn’t get to to get the truck and get the weeping birch out of the store lot, but we did lay weed cloth between the houses and are going to have to get some mulch: this was part of the deal with the neighbor: we create a bark-bed between the houses; and then we set up so he can do a retaining wall, to join our future retaining wall in front. So I’m going to mollify our neighbor about the missing grass by laying the first tier of his retaining wall.

O OSG, there will soon be another truck dumping 7 yards of mulch at our place. If you would like another lawn party, with snacks and drinks by the Glorious Pond…heh…we will be game.