This has been a year…on the writing front, too.

Writers have lives, loved ones, and all that goes with them. And this is the year things got worse before they got better. Our kitteh household was grievously upset. Jane had a long period of getting sick before she got so sick she nearly fell over in the garden. I...

hiked to Pancakes R Us…and am improving my walking…

…both posture (a big one) and speed. I can keep Joan and Jane in sight on the way back, the uphill. Downhill I can keep up. And let me tell you, if you have muscle pain or weakness, get a combo of Gloucosamine, Chondroitin, and Hyaluronic Acid, and take it with...

The fish tank job is finished!

We changed out the white, hard to keep countertop in our kitchen; and, waste-not, want-not, two children of children of the Great Depression are we. Rather than pay an extra 50 to have the guy haul off the old countertop we had removed ourselves, thus saving 100.00 or...

The world sparkles again—

I’d just gotten these bifocal contacts when Jane got sick—and my eyes have gone further ‘off’ by the month since, until today—well, first we decided to hike a mile down to Pancakes R Us, in the rain—and then I thought I’d have...

We got the 'down' line fixed…

…and in its way it was more trouble than the bulkhead on the ‘up’ line. This one was full of calcium carbonate from the time we had a calcium or alkalinity test go bad (can’t remember which, but either will do it)—so we over-added, in our...

We got the ‘down’ line fixed…

…and in its way it was more trouble than the bulkhead on the ‘up’ line. This one was full of calcium carbonate from the time we had a calcium or alkalinity test go bad (can’t remember which, but either will do it)—so we over-added, in our...

Kipling, one of my favorite poems: regarding the recent thread

The Sack of the Gods STRANGERS drawn from the ends of the earth, jewelled and plumed were we; I was Lord of the Inca race, and she was Queen of the Sea. Under the stars beyond our stars where the new-forged meteors glow, Hotly we stormed Valhalla, a million years ago!...

The 'up' line on our marine tank developed a leak—

at the bulkhead, which is a hole drilled through the bottom glass, inside a ‘caisson-like’ containment called the ‘downflow box’: there is an open hole on the watery side, and a screw-on tap that goes to a hose on the ‘air’ side of...