We changed out the white, hard to keep countertop in our kitchen; and, waste-not, want-not, two children of children of the Great Depression are we. Rather than pay an extra 50 to have the guy haul off the old countertop we had removed ourselves, thus saving 100.00 or thereabouts, we saved it in the basement, and on the Great Fishtank Revision, in which we finally did plumbing the way we should have when we moved in—we hauled out that countertop. So our old kitchen counter is now a) the short part, serving to top an old cabinet next the washing machine: viola! Laundry center, with drawers and a cabinet below (the old office cabinet.) and b) and yet more spectacular, the stand for the fishtank sump, pump, and equipment is now a broad counter with, of course, the old fish stand with doors and all. It looks incredibly civilized down there, and since what spills there is mostly salt water, the white counter is not going to meet many stains. Nice dark granite-look formica in the kitchen, and a major cabinet re-do in the basement, no nails, no fuss: that big counter is on a solid piece of cabinet and weighted down with about 75 lbs of fish tank sump, so it’s not budging. And has counter left over so we can run water tests, etc, in good lighting.

Eushu helped, of course.