But it’s going to look good. We’re each putting a couple of wooden shelf supports by the side of the sill, and adding an oak plank, which does not bend, and which will serve as a cat perch, as well as a workspace shelf for cups and such.

Found a way to improve action on my window: Barkeepers Friend and steel wool on the aluminum track.

We’re supposed to have revised the marine sump today (yum~!) but we’re going to do that one tomorrow.

We’re having American style stir-fry for supper, over Thai jasmine brown rice. That’s in order, one diced chicken breast, a little olive oil, salt, pepper, ear of corn cut in two; half a yam sliced in chips, with skin; baby carrots; quarter head of cabbage, sliced; frozen brussel sprouts (cheaper than fresh); tablespoon Thai soy sauce [any will do]; half a cup of Swanson low-sodium chicken broth; cook lidded, turning corn and chips as needed, about 5 minutes; unlid, add chopped head of broccoli, cup of sugar snap peas; re-lid, cook 10 minutes. Serve with the rice. Yoghurt for dessert, an hour later. Gets you through the evening without the hungries, and isn’t high cal.