Babylonians supplant Pythagoras

BabylonianMathC2 The Tigris-Euphrates region has no few ‘interesting’ developments: the use of tiles, of brick…it would remain for Mohenjo-Daro over on the Indus to do ‘standardized brick,’ [they were about 2500 BC]—which makes...

good news on the nature front…

The return of wolves to the wild has made a few homeowners uneasy: a few people checking mailboxes in remote areas have gotten a surprise, and a certain neighborhood had a catfit when it found wolf tracks around the school bus stop —but hey, you hack a hole in...

Global eruption on Sun…from Aug 1, so we did survive… There’s something in Classical Studies about climate change—remember, we’re the guys [in my old academic field] that deal with the oldest written accounts and oldest...

So warm the koi have come out to sun themselves…

I really worry when they come out of torpor. I’d like to see stable cold so they can sleep soundly…but they seem to be fine. I saw Ari, and Gerard, and Rukia and Amy quite clearly: the water’s kind of murky since the pump’s been off, but...

Nice evening with Patricia and Mike Briggs…

…two of the nicest folk on planet Earth. Patty had a signing at Aunties (Spokane’s largest indie bookstore, an institution in Spokane)—and we got together for Lennies’ Thai, which set my diet back 2 weeks, but the evening was worth it. We had...

OK—holidays are coming. Recipes. Food. Fun.

Doesn’t have to be diet. But I’ll put out one that, surprisingly, is. CHICKEN MOLE: whitemeat chicken, already diced [we get an economy packet, cook it on the George Foreman grill, dice it into small Ziplocks, and freeze the leftover] ramekins for...

the weather is turning again

It’s been up to 50 degrees, melting the snowpack on the roofs considerably, which is very welcome. The koi are deep asleep under a slab of ice; and everything is still snow-covered, with dark holes where the footprints have melted down to soil. Last night we...

Down for the count…allergic to the tree.

Woke up yesterday with a sore throat, headache, dizzy as a hoot owl, and not feeling well at all, when the two days prior I’d been on top of the world. Yep, the tree. We have to have an artificial tree: I’m so allergic to trees in general it’s...