Doesn’t have to be diet. But I’ll put out one that, surprisingly, is.

whitemeat chicken, already diced [we get an economy packet, cook it on the George Foreman grill, dice it into small Ziplocks, and freeze the leftover]
ramekins for individual servings.
heat chicken: we use skillet and a little virgin olive oil. I’m going to give the amount for one serving, so it’s straight multiplication.
Turn off fire. Add 1/2 can diced tomato.
1 heaping tsp dark chili powder (heat of same to your personal taste)
1 heaping tsp cinnamon
1/2 level tsp nutmeg
1/2 level tsp ground clove
1 heaping Tablespoon peanut butter with no sugar…(Adams, or natural peanut butter; crunchy or smooth doesn’t matter)
1 heaping Tablespoon unsweetened cocoa
refire, and stir in with chicken.
When thoroughly mixed, put mixture into ramekin (individual baking dish) uncovered.
Add handful of white and yellow shredded cheese.
Microwave about 1 1/2 minutes (until cheese melts)
Top with dollop non-fat sour cream.

Voila! Honest chicken mole! (pronounced MO-leh)

Takes 20 minutes or less if you already have the chicken.