The dreaded office cleanup…and new resolutions…

A) a place for everything and everything in its place. B) no more paper on the floor. C) little objects into a box D) convention stuff like business cards and cover flats into one drawer all its own. E) desktop clear of everything. Period. F) tape, clips, scissors,...

Doing some long-postponed cleanup…

putting together the patio chairs that needed restaining; and the moon gate that needed repair and restaining. Did I mention we had raccoon tracks on the fence? Cheeky beggars. The fish are safe, even Ari, who’s a sitting duck if we didn’t have those rocks...

LYNN ABBEY needs your help…

Lynn’s just put her Orion’s Childen/Time books up on Amazon. She needs reviews. She doesn’t have any. These are really good books. Very good books! Please go help her out, those of you who’ve read them—or buy some! On Closed Circle she...

Neil Armstrong passes, age 82.

Very sad—but a life well-lived, and a heart that had worked very, very hard. What a wonderful chance he had—and what use he made of it. Plus he lived a good and productive and disciplined life afterward, a worldwide hero who never tarnished his own great...

What a day! The eagle came back…

…Jane, after chronic insomnia, was finally ‘sleeping in’ this morning, preparatory to writing a very important scene; and as I’m delaying breakfast, letting her get her beauty sleep— I spot the damned eagle, who has finally figured out...

Reading the myths and pictures…

Paul’s remark about Methuselah and lunar months made me think of the general problem of English teachers who don’t know Greek culture attempting to teach mythology. Some oddments to illustrate with Greek and others: 1. the lunar calendar. Remember the myth...

Historic ship under sail… The USS Constitution, Old Ironsides, rarely moves under sail. But she still can.

Really good Korean drama on Netflix, if any of you have it.

And if you like LONG mediaeval dramas and foreign cultures, this is it for 62 hours of play-time. It’s called The Great Queen Soendaek, and it’s one of those drop what you’re doing and read the subtitles numbers, because if you miss a turn in this...