Historic ship under sail…

http://www.cnn.com/2012/08/19/us/massachusetts-uss-constitution/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 The USS Constitution, Old Ironsides, rarely moves under sail. But she still can.

Really good Korean drama on Netflix, if any of you have it.

And if you like LONG mediaeval dramas and foreign cultures, this is it for 62 hours of play-time. It’s called The Great Queen Soendaek, and it’s one of those drop what you’re doing and read the subtitles numbers, because if you miss a turn in this...

Way too much barbecue…

Haven’t been to a genuine picnic in a long time…but a local marine fish club (marine tanks are one of my hobbies) had their annual picnic and raffle, so Jane and I gathered up a goodly lot of the Hammer Coral from Hell (started as three heads and now is...