Way too much barbecue…

Haven’t been to a genuine picnic in a long time…but a local marine fish club (marine tanks are one of my hobbies) had their annual picnic and raffle, so Jane and I gathered up a goodly lot of the Hammer Coral from Hell (started as three heads and now is...

10 things I wondered about when I was 6…

1. When you do numbers in math, and say 1 + 1 equals 2, is the 2 actually 2 units of precisely the same size, or does the quantity within the numbers augment as you go? When you count, are the units in 3 all equal, or is it trickier than that? 2. why did the dinosaurs...

Under the weather…

I managed to sprain my foot getting off the city carousel, and the nice dinner (after grazing the green room for 3 days) turned out to be based on an onion reduction sauce. It was a beef mole, and they advertised it as 22 spices, a holiday type preparation, which I am...

We're at Spocon this weekend…

…hanging out with friends, trying to figure why the same printer that printed off a sample of Jane’s cover very well last time is screwing up the image this time. Patricia and Mike Briggs (and Sparky) [if you haven’t read Patricia Briggs you should]...

We’re at Spocon this weekend…

…hanging out with friends, trying to figure why the same printer that printed off a sample of Jane’s cover very well last time is screwing up the image this time. Patricia and Mike Briggs (and Sparky) [if you haven’t read Patricia Briggs you should]...

The Perseids are falling….

PERSEID METEOR SHOWER: Earth is entering a stream of debris from Comet Swift-Tuttle, source of the annual Perseid meteor shower. Worldwide observers are now reporting more than 30 Perseids per hour, a number that could triple during the weekend when Earth reaches the...