TYPO: Closed Circle has a policy of creating a new file for all purchasers when there is a “significant” typo, and there was, in Deliberations. I have e-mailed all of you who purchased Deliberations before the fix, giving you a link to request a new (correct) download. Because it has 8 or so people in each addy and because it contains a link, certain spam blockers may prevent your getting that e-mail. IF YOU BOUGHT DELIBERATIONS, check your spam filter. You should be getting a letter from me any minute now. I personally apologize. Now and again we glitch. But we try to fix it fast. I fixed a few other things just because I could, but the significant one is Tabini’s age when his father died: he was 14.

ANNNNNNNNNNNND our software screwed up bigtime and didn’t give anybody any links. WRITE to me (cj@cherryh.com) and I will get you a new link, personally. It is no trouble. A writer wants the file to be ACCURATE. Sigh. And we have worked on this one file from 9Am until now, at 6PM, to try to get this thing right. It takes that long to produce files—and now the demned re-download program spits out gibberish.

For me to give you that re-download personally is two buttonpushes if you will email me that you are ready to receive it.

IF YOUR ORIGINAL LINK IS LESS THAN 48 hours old you can re-use it to trigger a new download, which should now be correct! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!