working on CC and the swine flu…maybe

It’s not going to be too hard, actually—once I learn to tie pages together. We now have the print color straightened out. If the size is still too small, it’s CSS and you should be able to scale it up, but if not, tell me and I’ll fix it from...

76048, and FINALLY! I had a great day writing.

I’ve spent the last few days outlining to the end (after remembering what the end is, and relocating it); and simultaneously recovering the blown-up 72 generation, 40,000 person genealogy file, bit by painful bit… It’s funny. So much of the database...

OSG’s on the wing, coming home from Montreal Worldcon…

She says she had a wonderful time, but she wants her kittehs and her own bed. We’re going to pick her up at the airport, since OSGuy is at work. We have her house keys.  Heh. But we’re out of resources to do the reception number on her house that she did...

OSG's on the wing, coming home from Montreal Worldcon…

She says she had a wonderful time, but she wants her kittehs and her own bed. We’re going to pick her up at the airport, since OSGuy is at work. We have her house keys.  Heh. But we’re out of resources to do the reception number on her house that she did...

Still moving slowly

I got a little work done this morning. We went out shopping for hose washers (yep) so we don’t have a leak in the back yard. But a little after that I came down with a rare case of the hungries…I mean, if I didn’t get food in the next fifteen...