Jane is ex-haust-ed…

Up at 2 am and not calling me: seems she found out it was the Condor deadline for getting an ad in the program book, and she sat up half the night putting a new format together, since what we could afford was a half page, and our regular flier isn’t formatted...

Holiday wishes from the Three Musketeers…

http://www.janefancher.com/TheCaptainAndLime/ http://lynnabbey.com/blog/ Jane’s got pixxxx—of the decor—and Abbey’s blogging regularly again. And me—I’m sitting here with my cat on my arm—she’s sure she can help me...

We have twitter…

CJ: http://www.twitter.com/CJCherryh and Jane: http://www.twitter.com/JaneSFancher. Here’s the deal: you can use a twitter ‘friend’ link to keep up with whether or when we’ve each last done a blog post, without having to hunt the page down, a...

Check it out! It works! It works!

Awright! I refuse, absolutely refuse to admit what I forgot to do. Too many irons in the fire is my only excuse and even I’m not buying that. But the download should now work! If it doesn’t…wait ten minutes before telling me. I wanna go take a...

The filk last night…

…went pretty well. And I played about 5-6 pieces and screwed up a bit, but my fingers have no blisters, thanks to several days of noodling around and getting my fingers used to the idea. Considering I only remembered F, G, A, E, and D, D7 yesterday morning, I...

Jane’s been on the roof again…

Gutter cleaning. We got a couple of wheelbarrow loads of compost out of it: gutter-guard keeps the big stuff out, and the chaff composts really nicely. Darn the luck. I meanwhile hauled out the garbage, the recyclables, and the yard clippings, and clipped the roses...

Jane's been on the roof again…

Gutter cleaning. We got a couple of wheelbarrow loads of compost out of it: gutter-guard keeps the big stuff out, and the chaff composts really nicely. Darn the luck. I meanwhile hauled out the garbage, the recyclables, and the yard clippings, and clipped the roses...