Gutter cleaning. We got a couple of wheelbarrow loads of compost out of it: gutter-guard keeps the big stuff out, and the chaff composts really nicely. Darn the luck.

I meanwhile hauled out the garbage, the recyclables, and the yard clippings, and clipped the roses back pretty severely, piling mulch over them. We’re due for a 20 degree night.

OSG told us a pond near Joan lost its koi to a raccoon. We’re going after some repellant. But I think one may already have tried and failed with our guys. A koi site says that a raccoon will not swim after fish, because it can’t catch them that way, but will stand on the bank and try to claw one to it. Well, our bank is a little steep, it is rocky, and the koi in cold weather prefer to be down deep, under, moreover, the hyacinth-ring (a floating ring that keeps water hyacinth out of the filter. We came out to find a plant ripped out, near the shore, and one hyacinth very improbably floating on its own where the plant had been—and we’re a little suspicious a night-raiding raccoon may have taken an unplanned bath. We still have all our koi. But we are taking no chances, and are getting the repellant.