Trying to maintain sanity and a writing schedule while getting other things done, not to mention our recurring pest ‘bot that afflicted Jane’s blog. She’s got a new format up which we hope will lock out the ‘bot. Plus there is a scan artifact that crept in on Hellburner and Heavy Time, and Jane is trying to pursue that so we can get people a corrected file. And the corrected file of Faery Moon; and Jane is trying to get HER next book up on CC; plus we are approaching US Nationals, where we have tickets, and we are going to sit in the stands with (paper) notebooks and work on graphic details during Zamboni runs…

I damn near broke my neck yesterday: had a blood sugar crisis or a bug or something, but I was feeling woozy when I went onto the ice to skate, pulled a few three-turns and didn’t feel stable, so I just decided to skate flat for a while, and on the same round, dropped a blade twice into a hockey-skate run (killer) which wrenched my foot sideways—bad posture on my part, but not too bad, since I didn’t fall; just got an adrenaline rush that finished the blood sugar crisis. I found myself shaking all over, not real great when you are the full width of the rink from your exit. Jane got quite concerned. I just skated off, trying to stay steady enough not to kill myself, dropped my blade into one MORE hockey rut, and managed the 100 or so more feet to leave the ice. I was so woozy I could hardly climb the steps to get up to the walking deck. I had some Gatorade and that helped, but I was just wiped for the rest of the day. Dunno what it was, but I had a nasty sinus attack, coughed all night, and feel somewhat less than perfect today…I canNOT come down sick with those expensive tickets impending.

But I’m better today. Not worse. And that’s good. We’re working a fix for those files, as aforesaid, and we are also going to be working on those ship-patch designs. Let me know what ships you’re most interested in.

I think I’m going to do a short story before I take on the next book, whatever I decide to do, since this finishes the current arc. I have a few lines written, and hope that it will clear my head and give me a little break.