Pardon us while we have a cry-fest…

It’s going to freeze tonight. Those of you who know what we’ve been doing, planting flowers and shrubs and the like, we are just floored. We got a huge tub and put the water hyacinth in it. We hauled in all the plants that aren’t in the ground....

re the graph: it's one of those erase/write periods..

I write and I erase the outline. We’re in a transitional scene, which is pretty well crossing maps, so there’s about as much put in as taken out, so that’s why the graph doesn’t advance appreciably. We are now into the main action of the book....

re the graph: it’s one of those erase/write periods..

I write and I erase the outline. We’re in a transitional scene, which is pretty well crossing maps, so there’s about as much put in as taken out, so that’s why the graph doesn’t advance appreciably. We are now into the main action of the book....