I write and I erase the outline. We’re in a transitional scene, which is pretty well crossing maps, so there’s about as much put in as taken out, so that’s why the graph doesn’t advance appreciably. We are now into the main action of the book.

Todd Lockwood is doing the cover for the next book to come out. He and I turn out to be at opposite ends of the state, both fanatic backyard gardeners.

Jane’s back took another spasm last night, but the fact it’s now in line means she thinks it’s going to behave. We’re staying off the ice today: Jane doesn’t need to have her back catch and take a fall on it to boot.

We had one heckuva blow last night, tropic-style rain coming in curtains on a 40-50 mph wind. Our trees stood fast and we’d battened down the patio furniture, but now the nights are going to be 34 degrees for the next several days: this is an Arctic front. We’re just real glad we’re not at 500 more feet of elevation, because at about 2000 feet, we’re that close to snow. The higher parts of the Cascades apparently got hammered yesterday.

I got my thyroid prescription upped just a tad; I take 2 minipills on Sundays. Apparently it’s slow to leave the system, so this way works. I dunno, I may take the double dose on Mondays. Everybody can use more pep on Monday morning. I’m the doc’s ongoing science project—I’m in the middle of the ‘old’ good range, but the low end of the ‘new’ good range for thyroid function, and boy! does a microdose make a huge difference for me. He’s quite happy with the changes in my well-being. I’m the classic case of somebody who could chalk up the myriad effects of low thyroid to just age—but hey, I skate, I have strong bones, I haul dirt—why should I be getting tired with no reason? I just tire easily, can get depressed, and have days when it’s physically hard to put one foot in front of the other, plus insomnia—and it (and a few other symptoms) mean, yep, I have the constellation of problems that mean the ‘new’ range is where I really, really want to live. Oh, it’s made such a difference. Ten years’ worth of difference. I like feeling good!