It WOULD seem logical that at the eve of the first forecast snow, on a day when us last-moment folk are putting covers on the patio chairs and trying to put the roses and Japanese maples to bed—there would be SOME left in town, but nay. Tons (literally) of rock salt, which, pardon me, should not be used anywhere you ever hope anything might grow…and de-icer (which is usually magnesium, a little less harmful) —tons of wood pellets for pellet-burning stoves, but no whisper of mulch. Sooooo…..we rake 2 years of accumulated mulch and leaves up around the roses, trust the surrounding bed of sedum (which stays green under snow) to keep the Japanese maple safe, and pull the geraniums and snip them back to winter in the garage. They looked very nice alongside the house. We hope to reconstitute them from dry-root next spring, when we hope to put up the greenhouse on the patio/old driveway and get a jump on spring.

My lower back has had it. The sciatica in the hip has totally quit hurting and given me just a nasty lower back ache. I may ask Jane to give the upper back another crunch in the hope that will ease the strain.

We’ve opened the taps and drained the outside faucet lines. Those are shut down and I’ve got to ask Jane where she put the little brass taps. Those have to go in a special place (a kitchen drawer) so at least one of us remembers where we put them for next spring.