Hadda get the tax stuff organized.

And something’s bloomed that has my name and Jane’s on it. We’re dumber than dirt and can’t wake up. Being indoors with the air filters going full tilt while taking Theraflu night and day versions seems to be the only way to cope, but I’m not that smart today. I just want to go back to bed and lie there. My money is on the evergreens pollinating…we’ve had this weird weather, and for the first time and suddenly the temperature’s flirting with 70 degrees instead of 35 to 40, and it’s staying above freezing at night.

Glug. My eyes are watering so its hard to see what I’m doing. I tried Zyrtac yesterday and it gave me a very upset stomach. Benedryl and Sudafed in combo helped after that somewhat wore off, but today I’m trying Theraflu.

This too shall pass. Usually it’s a few days. If I weren’t on an antihistamine, I couldn’t breathe, I’d be coughing, and my ears would be so swollen I’d be half-deaf. As well as stupid. I hates allergies, I hatessss ’em.