An online survey by users show a majority prefer a trackpoint (pointing stick) mouse. Reviewers are 90 percent otherwise. What’s wrong with this picture. I went out to various sites to look at laptops…and all the help-me-choose features completely omit the pointing device as a criterion.

In picking a new laptop, if I get down to that, I swear to you, more than screens or other stuff, more than fancy covers, lighted keys (I couldn’t care less)—it’s the pointing device, stupid. If you use a laptop at top speed, you are utterly dependent on the style of reach you’re used to. Period.

So what’s with these people? I’m halfway convinced it’s power games among manufacturers, willingness to use certain suppliers, exclusive contracts, patents, whatever else is going on. But in my own opinion, I’d as soon input direct code than reach off the homing keys and break my rhythm and train of thought to find a mouse and use it. It’d be faster.

The only device that will work for me, the way I think and use a keyboard, is a trackpoint. Right now they’re being reserved for ‘high end business’ machines. Meaning you pay 3x the normal cost to get a trackpoint if you don’t go IBM.

Frustrated. Looks like I’m going to go on refurbing this machine until it absolutely can’t run software. I’m into my 3rd keyboard on it and I’ve maxed out the memory, and I’m feeling the need for more room, but it ain’t gonna happen if I have to use a mouse. No way, no how, not in a million years.

So what specific models of laptop does anybody know that have this pointing device. IBM, I know. They’re saying Toshiba. I don’t know. Dell, but they’re phasing it out of anything affordable. Information, anyone?