…largely thanks to Jane, who is working as hard as I am on her own Ring of Lightning. I’m doing Hellburner while waiting for the files on Heavy Time…and we had contact with OSG, who is back from NYC, having seen every show in town. I am way behind in Christmas shopping; Jane and I have 2 gift-givings, one at Christmas, one at New Year’s, just because a little of a good thing isn’t enough. I thought I was going to get her a new video game, but I find that Dragon Age, which looks nice, won’t run on less than Core 2; and I think we’re hosed.

Ah, well: the old machine is getting along fine thus far. It crashes programs every hour on the hour, and I’d like to mend that habit: I think it’s because I keep changing from MS Office to Corel Word Perfect, and then to Namo Html, often—they don’t always play well together; and somewhere MS Word got the idea it should be my e-mail editor, and is fighting with both Outlook Express and Outlook: hush, you Mac users. :lol:. We’ll get it fixed.

I am through chapter 5 on Hellburner. I have a cover. And things are going apace on Ring. So we’re hoping to have new books up in January—plus cups, tee shirts, etc, etc. You cannot imagine the wonders we will offer.

We are so tired—but we are able to look back on what we’ve accomplished this year and be happy. I’m going to get Bren’s book finished very soon, amid all of this, and we are going to leave our Christmas decorations up until at least Valentine’s, because we’ve been so late. We may even display our Christmas tree to the neighborhood until Valentine’s, because, hey, we’re late. But it’s a good late.