…spend from 5am until 12pm in the same chair looking for stray commas and periods in masses of code and you can get a little out of shape. Jane’s been working like that. I at least change chairs once a day.

And my back had gotten ‘out’ to the point my sciatica (which I got several years ago from a pretty spectacular fall on a crossover pattern while skating on very tired legs) flared up very painfully — Sciatica is when the main nerve involving hip join and upper leg feels like a cross between burning and having a knife blade in your hip joint. You also lose some rotational mobility in the afflicted leg.

It actually tends to come from the lower back…in my case having dropped myself sideways on my hip from a fair height above the ice, which didn’t help my lower back; but it can also come from a strain placed on the lower back by having nastiness built up in the upper back and shoulders—ie, standing lousy.

I asked Jane to give the upper back a crunch last evening, and it popped like Rice Crispies. It helped. I had to go ice the nerve down for a couple of hours, but this morning the nagging pain is mostly gone. It’s such a relief. The gluteus maximus in the OTHER hip is protesting our resumation of walking once a day, but that’s just protesting a general re-tensioning: a muscle protest, not the protest of nerves that have been aggravated to the max.

Ought to go down and give Dr. Shane a go at it, but we’re just so busy.

We finally decided not to give the GE dishwasher another go at flooding our kitchen floor: it’s a POS, pardon my French, incredibly bad design (no change filter, my aunt Betty!) It means call a serviceman if it clogs. We bit the bullet, deciding to give ourselves an early Christmas present that won’t clog the garbage disposal line and then backflush the garbage disposal onto our load of dishes. Nay. We prefer not to have yesterday’s egg or a coating of grease on the newly washed plates.