It’s been a dry July. But a system is on its way.

What it HAS been is a very cool July, and weeds are growing like mad. The ones in the gravel paths, however, can be dealt with via the ‘hula hoe’ as it used to be advertised. It’s a loop hoe, or a squared metal loop that can get under roots if you get the plant young. It’s heavy work, but it goes pretty fast. I’d like to get the front done, but today is just muggy with that incoming moisture.

I’m glad to say the book is moving along. I’m beginning to get the ‘feel’ of its rhythm—every book has one, and until you get the ‘feeling’ of how the information needs to flow, it ‘feels’ wrong—or loosely jointed. It’s coming.

The tide of spammers has slowed to a trickle. If you want to sign up now, you could make a try at it.

And what else? Jane has decided to put Vanye [the bjd] into a Musketeers outfit. Stay tuned. It’s looking pretty good.

Tomorrow we have to take the car in to get the electronics guys to defuse the backup beeper: Jane reacts to sounds like that the way most people react to fingernails on a blackboard, so getting rid of the beeps for having a door open or for backing up are a safety thing. I thought about leaving the backup beep, but guess what? It’s not audible except INSIDE the car. It exists solely to notify US that we’re backing up, and if we’re far enough gone to need THAT news flash, we have no business behind the wheel. If outside doesn’t get the bennie, it goes.