It’s the annual algae soup festival—we’re having to wash the filter twice a day, and the koi don’t tend to eat that kind of algae.

First thing I have to do is change out the UV light bulb in the anti-algae UV filter. That could be expired, and these specialized lights don’t burn out before they cease to be effective.

Then when I get my hands on that pond vac, which is a powered one—the last struggled to remove a teaspoon of algae, and that went back to the store—I’m going to have a mammoth, messy job. You suck up two gallons of algae, turn off the vac, spit it out into the garden, then repeat, for all 4000 gallons. 😉 I can’t wait.

But it will certainly look a lot better when I’m done.

We can’t get water hyacinth for 2 more weeks. That would help—to have it absorbing nutrients that are feeding this algae. 6 weeks on the 2 little koi we want. 2 weeks for the shop to order, and get them in, and four weeks in quarantine.

But meanwhile I have to get out there with the weed-whacker and prepare the area (removing weeds around the extant juniper) for Jane to do some bush-planting today.

At least it’s turned off cooler today. Clouds have moved in, and it may rain, northwest style, which involves 30 minutes of drizzle every few hours.