Meanwhile Jane’s had some cardiac problems, and sensibly went to a cardiologist, which turned up some irregularities. A pill seemed to solve most of it. But they ran a hospital test Thursday—which is where our time has gone, an angiogram, which she reports as not really too bad except for the 4 hours you have to lie flat afterward. Remember the pt for the back and hip issues. Lying flat is not what she does best.

Meanwhile her roommate brought a service dog because nobody told her not to, and the poor guy was only a month into service, and had to be left with us—but he was a gentleman and laid down and simply guarded the lady’s walker while she was having her procedure. Bad news is, I’m allergic to dogs, and I was getting a sore throat, but hey, it’s not their fault. And a pill would solve my sore throat, but not her need for the dog. So I wish pup and owner well.

Anyway, Jane got a sterling clean bill on what our cardiologist calls ‘the plumbing,’ so now we go after the electrical system, and Jane has an appointment next week with an electrical cardiologist, just to keep up on things. Good to do, good to have handled. There’s a thing they can do called ‘ablation’ or burn-off, if you have a patch of naughty cells that won’t respond to a pill, but the way Jane’s situation improved so fast on a few doses, likely that’s going to be enough. Hope so.

Women are under-diagnosed with cardiac issues: if anything’s wonky with your pulse or shortness of breath, etc, gals, get checked. Stress test turned up a rapid beat that made the angiogram a good idea, but we think now it’s an electrical thing that can be dealt with.