…Alas, I have to wear dark glasses because of the eyes: have to protect the iris from light changes: keep the muscle from working, the doc says. We wore sweatshirts because it seemed a night for it, but while we live at about 65 degrees, that number of people quickly overheated the house to the point my glasses kept sliding down my nose, and something I ate at the potluck massively didn’t agree with me: intense stomach cramps. We not only ended up going home way early, I ended up just going to bed. Sigh.
But I’m doing fire this morning. Just wanted to sleep in soooo bad. But if I don’t get up, the whole day gets off schedule, and I need to get back to work.
Rained like crazy from yesterday afternoon til morning; now just kind of overcast, which is nice since I work by a window. And the outside temperature is holding pretty well in the 40’s by day, 30’s by night. If the amount of rain we’ve had this week were snow, we’d be two feet deep.
But the snow will come, I’m pretty sure.
Had a call from my brother last evening…too…he’s got his eye on a house, and I so hope he gets it.