Mariners’ game. It wasn’t the Mariners’ best weekend. The next day they were the losing team of a Chisox ‘perfect game.’ Bummer!

We ate far, far too much junk food.

And while we were gone, local temperatures had soared to 81, and we’d cut the pond pump and UV off for fear of having the pump run dry. This didn’t work well. The fish are fine, but it was algae soup when we got back. I don’t know how many times I’ve washed and changed that filter, but at first it was every 5-7 minutes: you could literally watch the water level in the pump well drop as it clogged. It’s better now—you can see the fish, though dimly. And I’m still hosing out filters.

We also needed to recover the ferret cage we use for the kittehs in hotel rooms: mice had nested in it, chewed up the cushions, and the mouse leavings with the mousie-urine-dampness would take your head off. I spent an hour up to my elbows in straight Clorox getting that cage cleaned up, and the salvagaeable traveling case laundered but I think it is now mouse-free and sweet-smelling. Ugh!

On the plus side, the kittehs made the trip really well: we had to break the news that they’re (being a little less disciplined than our elder kittehs) traveling in harness, with a leash ready to clip on at need. And while they were not at first thrilled with this, they traveled well with it—it oddly enough seemed to click in their heads that these harnesses (the Comfort Harness, with a soft Y yoke and broad, not narrow bands) were somehow protective for the trip. They were without them while we were in Seattle—and when it was time to come home, I just quietly slipped the harnesses back on and they took them without any fuss at all: it was time to take a car trip and expectations were rewarded when they ended up back in their own house again. So the first overnight trip is a success.