…trying to seal the moon gate against weathering—trying to replace the two canopy struts from Jane’s swing that were bent when windstorms threw the swing over: the gate job is only half done: I’m sensitive to the weatherproofing, and I’ve bought a spray can of stuff that doesn’t require such lingering contact. The struts are in place, painted, and ready for the canopy. Jane planted stuff. It hit 70 for the first time this year, and green algae is now growing in the pond. Glug.

Eushu is going 90 per, and has richly deserved getting swatted by Ysabel, but she’s been very forgiving.

And after a couple of days of very injudicious eating, we are back on the diet, and hoping to feel better: I swear I am done with potatoes for the rest of my life. I ate one potato and I am so incredibly sore I can’t move. I wonder how many people of European descent who complain of arthritis could help themselves considerably by swearing off potatoes and tomatoes.

They’re doing some maintenance at the rink, so it’s been really chancy ice, not worth the bother of kitting up, so we skipped ice on Monday to get the plants planted. We’re beginning to see the front yard taking shape, as in, we now have an idea where things will be put…sort of.

The fish are about ready to switch from wheat-germ food to regular fish food, as the water warms. The water lilies are starting up with new leaves. Our fruit trees are leafing without blooming, the weather has been so weird—I think the flower buds were frozen off.

But I think we are now officially in spring.