…and now are too tired to plant the tree.

While this was going on, Jane was digging and preparing the bed, I was trimming iris leaves, sorting what will go to the church that helped us and what will go to the front lawn. This meant a 32 gallon trash can full of iris leaves and we haven’t even gotten to the ones next to the pond.

It’s a shame to flush that fish-poo rich water down the city sewer, so we have a bucket with a pretty potent pump to sink into the pond, and a hose that runs to a sprinkler. I shifted that hose about the pond edge for 1000 gallons of fertilizer-rich water, and that’s quite a job, particularly as the bucket and pump weigh about 30 lbs empty, and about 50 lbs full of water. I nearly broke my neck when the retrieval cord on the bucket wound around my ankle as I was headed down the steps to move the hose…didn’t fall, but it’s what they always tell you on a boat—don’t stand in the middle of a coil of line when you heave something into the water. La!

Now we have the pond refilling.

We’ve finally gotten a squirrel. I’ve always wanted a squirrel. Everyone we know has one, but we never have, and finally one fat cheeky fellow has decided he likes our bird feeder. So do the sparrows. And I’m so happy we have a squirrel I’ve put an ear of dried corn (with which I’ve been trying to lure one for years) into the bird feeder, hoping he will stay. We can manage to feed both city sparrows and squirrel. Our sparrows are getting so tame they land beside us while we’re working. They use the pond for a bird bath.

And our two very baby koi (3″ counting fins) we got to replace some that the eagle took are together and thriving, and are now brave enough to come out and swim with the big koi from time to time. We were so glad to see them out and about this morning!

It’s noon, time for lunch, and now my day’s REAL work starts. The book is starting to steady down and move again, after all the distress and disturbance. I know I’ll have to rewrite the front end, but that’s minor: I’m happy writing again; and Jane, who pushed herself way too hard 2 days ago, is well enough to bounce back pretty fast. It’s a good sign.

So that’s the news from here.