We’re used to 72 degrees. Jane had done a little planting in the cool of the morning and I ran the leaf blower to get the hawthorne husks off the patio and path, and that was about it…well, I did fill the green-compost garbage can with forsythia branches…but neither were that bad. Then we undertook a venture to Costco, and the temperature I swear rose while we were in there, as if the door to the desert opened, and it decided to be 90 degrees with 19% humidity. It was like walking out into a wall of heat. Jane and I have been chugging iced drinks (she–diet Mountain Dew, me—iced coffee) and unable to move.

It is gruesome out there. 90 whole degrees. It’s due to be 96 Sunday. The good news is that it’s going to start down again, but I plead we have lost our acclimation to this. We have become soft. Totally done in.