While I know that mauling can affect the shape of a frame, there is no such thing as a board-stretcher, and even 5lb  mallet-driven shims cannot make the top and bottom of this framework equal.

Measuring the two jambs and lintel yields 33 1/4 inches. Measuring the two jambs and threshold yields 33 1/2 inches. THIS may be the reason we have shimmed and fought this thing for 6 hours.

Jane did the brunt of the work, and collapsed, after calling Lowe’s. We only have to transport this one back and they will give us another one. I don’t know the total weight of this thing, but Jane and I cannot carry it when it is mated with the frame. We can lift it, barely, and since I can lift and carry 40 lbs, and lift 50, and Jane is stronger than I am, considerably, so  this thing exceeds a hundred pounds when in its frame.