But we do not, at least, intend to put out a buggy beta—

Re the update to Closed Circle promised for the 13th, you will have noticed several events that have thrown us a bit behind: the unanticipated galleys; my computer failure; loss of five days on that while I’m trying to write on a 2000-vintage computer that doesn’t have a control interface I’m used to; the unanticipated galley crisis and, the day I get the computer fixed—Jane discovers the problem in the galleys, runs the conversion that gets the PDF comparison so we know what we’re into; then the total line-by-line re-do; the sudden discovery of a major bit I hadn’t written the scene for; Jane’s diversion from work on the site to help me get Chernevog in shape—her editing has been beyond brilliant—she read between the lines and got me to provide info the reader definitely needs, so this book will be so improved—and everything else that has gone on—then figuring how to get that color comparison scanned and into my editor’s hands along with the revised files, so we can make schedule—which just takes mega-time to shepherd through the machinery and make e-mails and send, because it’s huge and needs to be broken up. Then I have to add the ‘yellow’ color marker for the changes I will accept, and she has to redo all of that. Which she does cheerfully…

Let me tell you what Jane WAS doing from September 30 to now, before my work landed on her: learning a new ‘theme’ architecture in WordPress, equivalent of learning a new graphics program; doing all the graphics for the site, right down to images for backgrounds, logos, the things that make the site look good; and run well; doing new covers for at least 6-7 new books and reworking twenty others; revising the payment procedure; totally rewriting the site; reorganizing; making the site display correctly; doing new buttons; new arrangement/structure, down to how many pixels to make the border of the framing box, that level of minutiae—plus working on various books, helping me edit, taking down the Halloween decor, helping with records, tax reports, banking/accounting, and the whole home refi procedure, and helping me keep the house in physical order, plus winterizing the pond and yard, plus running various conversions, and I know I’m not remotely conveying it all: she gets up at 4 and gets to sleep at midnight: it’s that kind of work load, a lot of which involves writing to the authors of some of the software we use and getting technical answers or in some instances new little ‘features’ on those programs … she is absolutely exhausted. We are both real tired; and we have sworn once we do decorate for Christmas, it isn’t coming down until the spring decor goes up.

So thank you, Jane.