Atkins. We’ve sort of lived South Beach style, but we’ve gotten more luau than restrained South Beach for way too long, during the stress of the winter, and now—

Now we’ve agreed we both feel better if we can be some pounds lighter, Atkins is the most effective diet for us, and they’ve revamped it to include more variety—and are now offering frozen dinners. Which gives me a bit of a holiday.

The catch is, in our area, Walmart is where to get the frozens. And our neighborhood Walmart is the only Walmart in town that isn’t a superstore. WHich is… yes. The only store handling them.

So after driving a couple of miles, hiking the entire frozen section, waiting in a long line at customer service, and finally finding out the deal, I then drive four miles through the city’s worst traffic to reach the ghastly-sized giant Walmart, wherein getting a bag of potato chips requires half a city block of choices.

Of course the frozens are at the rear of the store, which is sort of looming like the Alps in front of Hannibal.
Of course people have hit this brand like locusts and the selection isn’t huge.
Of course Atkins has put onion in all the breakfasts. I detest onion and eggs. I detested it when I was able to eat onion, back in the Permian. Sigh. So I bought eggs. Jane doesn’t like eggs in the first place, but that’s our only choice: omelets, boiled eggs—I can think of things I could do, but none as zero carb as an egg and cheese. So I’ll try to get creative. I’ve got some ghastly thin buns and I’ll see if those can be rendered edible with egg and cheese.
But I got out of there.

Jane’s got company, doll enthusiasts—alas, it’s the only hobby we don’t share. I admire them, but I can’t quite figure what to do with them besides judge that they’re very pretty, so that’s Jane’s thing. I’ve been off on my own project, which I started when I was so distracted by the biopsy and the waiting for results. I’ve written a non-fiction book, a how-to manual for people starting or contemplating starting saltwater aquariums, which is one of my hobbies that I do more of than Jane does—not that Jane hasn’t done it and can’t do it, but I’m the one who primarily logics through the stuff. Took me all of five days, since I have a lot of saved articles I’ve written previously, and I’ll release it as a Kindle book, likely, with the hope it makes a little money. Never thought I’d write a fish manual, and my Grunt Chem prof would die laughing at the notion of me lecturing on chemistry, but hey, I do know this stuff pretty well, I do know marine chemistry, and I can do a good deed by telling people how not to fail massively and with loss of fishy life.

For the next few weeks I’m resigning cooking—except for eggs—, until we bust off some of this weight. We’ll feel better for it.

Don’t panic about the Atkins: we both have really good cholesterol when we’re on this diet, better than on a low-fat diet. Seems to us the worst sin is fat and carbs, not fat and protein. So we’re not failing to think about our health.