Jane got transfusions yesterday: just as a point of information, it takes 2 hours to put in one unit of blood: we left at 10 am and didn’t get back until 11 pm. She’s feeling much better today but I’m going to defer the actual reports over to her site, it being her case and her situation, and she’ll describe it better than I can and with more authoritative accuracy, except I am a wreck, a total wreck, and tests are ongoing, treatment under study. Major gratitude to OSG for many, many things, including getting her to the right place to get help fast. We are both completely exhausted.

The kittehs got left together by accident when we left to go for yet one more test today—and we came back to find them sleeping in the same chair. Eushu is now following Ysabel about with worship intended, though she is apt to paste him one if he comes up on her tail, and it is frequently an irresistible lure.