I think we’ve got the eye condition handled, and we’re down to the basic fact that she’s 80 0r 90 kitteh years old, and had first the loss of her companion [she came down with a respiratory infection], and then the introduction of a very rowdy kitteh who mistook her for a playmate, and then a trip to a place she and Efanor shared, where he wasn’t: she just relived it all again. Eushu likely gave her a scratch in the eye, and she relapsed into a second round of respiratory infection, and then an eye med she was allergic to. We’ve got her through it, and simultaneously given Eushu a very gentle but playful big brother, and the stress, thank goodness, is off Ysabel, who now just wants to have her daily sunbeam in her favorite chair, and tuna treat when she’s in the mood (I have to juggle now 3 cats, each to have a teaspoon of tuna, including Shu, who, being a kitten, thinks he should have his and be able to sample the good part of everybody else’s.)

Ysabel is now basically happy and well, and has shaken the infections, and is rather nicely greeting Demon Kitten now and again with a little lick on the ear. She has a two foot ‘personal space’ that Seishi is to observe, which she will now enforce with a swat that doesn’t remotely hit him, and Sei respects her and just moves, so I think we’ve turned the corner with her health. She is again queen of the household, and owner of the red chair by the window, enforces her personal space, and the rowdiness of her two subjects does not trouble her naps. I don’t know if she’s finally resigned from car trips: we’ll have to ask her if she’ll share a car with those two in exchange for the shotgun seat and a lap and a nearly constant sunbeam. But Sei is still brand new, and she may decide he can come closer. We’ll give it time.