The season has begun: I heard the plow go by this morning.
But we have our snowblower ready to go.

My eye infection is back, so Jane’s going to have to do the driving…I can’t wear my contacts and my eyes are watering nonstop. I swear I have battled this since we got back from Texas, in September. I am so annoyed. It’s not too bad. But I have had two rounds of antibiotic, and am probably going to try a drugstore remedy like boric acid (the weak eyewash solution, I assure you.) It’s what we used in the 40’s and 50’s, and it kills bacteria by brute force. There are a few things I resort to when all else fails: one of them is this eyewash, and the other is merthiolate for a hangnail. Yep, it’s mercury: but it also is the ONLY thing that will help a hangnail when it’s getting infected. Stops the pain and cures it usually with one application.

So we try an old, old one: I just need to get to the pharmacy to pick up a bottle.