I haven’t seen 172 since the 1980’s. Jane was right: I was using about a cup of cheese a day for each of us, and it was not our friend…so I went to parmesan, not cheddar, on the morning eggs, and everything through the day quite light, and bingo! off comes the pesky pound.

Your weight has set-points that your body remembers for decades. And when your diet hits one it can take weeks to break through. The set-point then becomes a ceiling rather than a floor you can’t get through—you now will rise to that point if you are ‘bad’ and have a little grace before getting beyond it.

Physiology is a weird and wonderful thing. But y’know, when you’re good on a diet for most of a year, you’ve gotten rid of most of your bad habits, and it’s time to start finding the pony under all this effort.

I think Jane was quite right. Far less cheese. I may make it to size 10 jeans.

And it’s snowing! Glorious fat flakes! Hurrah for snow! [with apologies to places that have had way too much of it!]