Best I can figure, we had a slow clog of the waterfall filter that really developed while we were gone for 2 weeks. We THOUGHT it was running slow. Now the waterfall is what provides aeration. And I had some water conditioner which can adversely affect oxygenation. WE then had a deep cold snap. All chemistry slowed…but it also drives the fish to the deep water, the smaller ones more so than the larger ones, who take longer to chill; and the cold didn’t let the bacteria-stuff clear the water. The big guys were not quite so deep in the water of the deep end. The little guys would have sat deepest. And they just..quietly expired down in that oxygen-poor layer.

Today we pulled the whole waterfall apart and hosed it out. My brilliant idea with the foam bag is at fault in this: it created the clog. We hauled it out and it was a mucky mess that weighed a ton. WE got the waterfall guts reassembled—a 2 person job this time—and finally got it to run the way it did last year. Finally!

We went out and got 3 pretty baby koi. Very baby. Breaks our hearts to have lost the others. I take it very personally because I really take care of the pond, I’m good with fish and water, and I understand the chemistry. I kept fighting the flow problem in the waterfall and telling myself it was, maybe, just a settling of the waterfall-frame in the pile. I’m the one that added the filter medium that caused the clog that did the real damage and really slowed it.

So I’m good at fishy things. Just not this time.

To top all, I put the bag with the new fishes in it where I was so sure it was secure, and it immediately fell over as I backed out of the store parking lot. Which killed one of the replacements. I hope that the other two are ok. Sometimes you don’t know for a day or two. Even somebody hitting ice with a hammer in the winter can kill fish. I feel so bad.

These that I hope are survivors of my stupidity are pretty little guys, butterfly-fins, and about 3″ long. The pond is on its way to clear water, and we really hope these guys will thrive.